30 Day Challenge

30 Day Challenge

Led by Trainer Russell Brunson and coaches Stephen Larsen and Julie Stoian, the ‘One Funnel Away’ Challenge is designed to help you Customize and IMPLEMENT your plan in just 30 days…
Russell Brunson
Julie Stoian
Stephen Larsen
  • The challenge is – 30 days to TAKE ACTION on your business, and get your funnel built and launched.


  • It’s called the One Funnel Away Challenge.


  • It’s designed to FORCE entrepreneurs to stop working on stuff that doesn’t matter, and start implementing the KEY tasks that will get your funnel LIVE, and your business flowing…


  • In 30 days, you’ll have a funnel that is built and LIVE, and ready to gather leads and sales.


  • If you’re the type of person who vaguely knows what to do, but just needs to buckle down and DO IT… then this Challenge is going to be the kick-in-the-pants you need EVERY DAY until you get your funnel launched!
Take action.
You can check out the One Funnel Away Challenge details, and join the Challenge here.